All homework will be recorded on Edulink: this is an on-line resource which enables staff, students and parents to view homework set by teachers and manage the deadlines. This also ensures that all instructions are clear, resources are accessible to all and homework set is transparent for all. Parents should download the Edulink app in order to monitor the work their child is being set and support their child with completion.
Homework is an important feature of any successful school and makes an important contribution to learning. It is integral to all schemes of work for all subjects. The school sets high expectations of students in completing homework.
A homework timetable is issued at the beginning of the academic year which includes time allocations. This can also be viewed as a download on this page.
The school aims to encourage pupils to develop the skills, confidence and motivation needed to study effectively on their own through home study. We aim to promote the ability to learn independently and to develop the flexibility necessary for lifelong learning. Homework should reinforce and consolidate the skills and understanding developed at school, and extends the learning process, for example through additional wider reading and research. The school also considers homework to be a means of involving parents directly in the learning process; it is an extension of the idea of partnership in learning. Homework is also a means of managing particular demands, such as GCSE preparation for non-examination assessment (coursework) and revision for assessments and examinations.
Homework should be a specific task, appropriate to the time available, the age and ability of the student. It should be differentiated; extension or enrichment work & wider reading should be available for the most able and support to complete the task should be available for the less able. Wider and recommended reading lists are available on the curriculum pages for each subject on the website. Teachers will supplement this with additional reading applicable to the relevant module of work being studied.
Homework is also one forum for promoting reading for pleasure and improving literacy skills. Where students have completed work before the end of the allocated time, they should use the additional time to read around the subject or read for pleasure.