Careers Education
Welcome to our Careers education page. We believe that our Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) here at AES ensures that our students make informed decisions about their futures.
We deliver a comprehensive work-related learning programme across all year groups which develops business acumen, financial literacy and current labour market information, thus allowing students to make informed career choices. This programme includes Citizenship lessons; assemblies, presentations, workshops, events, visits, work experience placements and exchange visits.
These involve students, staff, alumni, parents and a large number of professionals who willingly support us with their time and expertise. We are supported by an independent Careers Advisor who offers personal guidance.
In addition, all students are registered and regularly interact with the Unifrog platform, an on-line careers information and destination platform designed to help young people consider and apply to their next step pathway, be it college, university, apprenticeship, gap year or work.
Careers in the Curriculum
Sixth Form
During Citizenship and Tutor Period sessions, all students engage in a series of lessons which prepare them for their future destinations. Using Unifrog, our online careers platform, students explore career options and this is embedded within the curriculum. Students are mentored in their applications to University, apprenticeships or employment and attend personal finance sessions from “Wizeup” Education to learn about personal finance, managing credit and budgeting. A monthly “opportunities bulletin” is sent to all students, with a variety of summer school, internship, part time employment and university open day opportunities. In addition, all students may attend the annual careers convention, thus encountering employers from a range of industries.
All Lower Sixth students take a work experience placement, which could be abroad. This allows students to apply their learning to the world or work and encounter workplaces. IBCP students take a two week placement, allowing them to develop their career ready competencies.
Students studying Business, Economics or Financial Studies join our International Enterprise Academy, with the opportunity to work with the Peter Jones Foundation and enter their national entrepreneurship competitions. Work experience placements are available from the foundation, who regularly meet students and provide guest speakers.
Work Experience
In Lower Sixth, students undertake a two week placement, which could be abroad. Students develop business acumen and develop crucial work ready competencies. Students utilise the Unifrog platform to consider suitable industries in advance of this placement, in addition to undertaking a work related learning module in Citizenship.
Careers Education, Information, Advice and Guidance Policy
Careers Provider Access Policy