Design Technology
Subject Intent
The focus of Design and Technology is to enable students to approach ideas in both a literal and lateral manner, providing them with the skills to effectively communicate ideas, designs and processes in a professional manner to industry standard.
Students will use their knowledge of Maths and Science and apply it to their work to create both their own designs as well as a commercially viable product. Students will be introduced to a variety of tools and machinery, that are commonplace in the design industry; developing skills which will eventually allow them to complete their own prototypes.
Subject Implementation
Students will carry out three major projects in KS3, all of which include: theory knowledge, drawing skills and practical knowledge which allow them to be prepared for more advanced courses at GCSE.
Theory knowledge will develop through the application of Maths and Science, an understanding of materials, their properties, and industrial processes, alongside a consideration of their sustainability.
In addition, students will gain a knowledge of different technical drawing styles to enable them to communicate their 2D design successfully in a 3D format.
This includes both technical drawings by hand and digital applications.
The student’s practical knowledge will also focus on their development and use of the hand tools, industrial machinery including the laser cutter and 3D printer.
We aim to enable students to fully understand the importance of each area of Design and Technology and to celebrate each stage from inception through to fruition.
Subject Impact
We aim for our students to have gained the confidence, desire and resilience required to take Design and Technology at GCSE and continue with this into their careers and everyday life, to become excellent problem solvers and designer aware consumers.
Students will be able to communicate their knowledge and design ideas through the application of Maths and Science, using subject specific terminology, and demonstrate these through practical activities.
We aim for our students to be independently reflective and objective in their view of improvements and developments of their designs.
Students enter KS4 with confidence in their knowledge and abilities in these areas.