Biology is the study of living organisms including their structure, functioning, evolution, distribution, and interrelationships. It affects everyone, and biologists work to find solutions to many of the world’s problems. The Biology curriculum gives students the opportunity to:
- Develop scientific knowledge and conceptual understanding of Biology.
- Develop understanding of the nature, processes and methods of Biology through different types of scientific enquiries. These help them to answer scientific questions about the world around them.
- Develop and learn to apply observational, practical, modelling, enquiry and problem-solving skills, both in the laboratory, in the field and in other learning environments.
Biology is taught in ways that help students to develop curiosity about the natural world, have insight into how science works, and appreciate its relevance to their everyday lives. The teaching of practical skills is integrated with the theoretical topics, enhancing student’s understanding of biological theory and practical skills. Students are continually challenged and moved forward, with curiosity and enquiry encouraged throughout. A variety of approaches to teaching are used during lessons, which usually begin with a knowledge review. Students answer several questions to check their knowledge and understanding of previous material allowing them to build on this during the lesson. Stretch and challenge is incorporated into lessons along with synoptic challenge at appropriate points.
Students will:
- Develop a confident understanding of biological knowledge and an ability to apply this knowledge to familiar and unfamiliar situations.
- Develop a secure knowledge and ability to use specialist biological vocabulary appropriately.
- Develop an ability to draw together knowledge, understanding and skills learned in different parts of the course.
- Develop an ability to apply mathematical and practical skills to areas of content that are unfamiliar.
- Acquire a secure base for the further study of Biological Sciences.
- Understand how society makes decisions about scientific issues.