Extended Project Qualification


The EPQ has three broad intentions at the Anglo. Firstly, it aims to develop the research skills of our students. The taught element tries to give students an understanding of the way academics research and develop a project. These skills will then be applied to a topic of their choice. This is the second major aim: to allow students to explore a topic of their choice. The intent is to give students the opportunity to research a topic that might extend something they have done in class or be something they do not get the chance to study in their other course options. Finally, the EPQ aims to make the students more independent in their work habits.




The course is split into two parts. Initially students will be taught a range of research skills. This will include referencing, using journals and creating effective surveys amongst others. During this period students will begin to consider what topic they would like to research. After the taught element has finished students will have a period of sustained research in which they will develop an inquiry questions. Throughout this they will reflect on the work they have done and consider why they have made the changes they have. In the end each student will produces a 5,000 word essay or an artefact with a supporting report. They will then present their ideas to their peers and complete a detailed reflection.


The students will gain valuable research skills that should be transferable to their A level coursework or IB extended essays. They will also develop confidence in their ability to present their findings and defend their conclusions. The students will have shown that they can develop a complex project and adapt as they progress. They should be more confident in their ability to tackle unwieldly and fluid tasks. This should help students adapt more quickly to university life.

Sixth Form



Head of Department

Dr A McDermott
