A Level Route (A)

In order to study on the A Level route, students must first meet matriculation requirements of an average point score of 7 over the best 8 subjects, including a GCSE grade 5 or above in English and MathematicsStudents are also required to meet our matriculation requirements for the subjects they wish to study of GCSE Grade 6  (Grade 7 if applying for Mathematics and Grade 5 for Business Studies).  Evidence of an international perspective is required for external students, together with a satisfactory reference from their current school. In addition, students need to meet the subject grades listed in the matriculation document. The majority of the A Levels that we offer require that the students obtains a grade 6, or above, in the subject (or related subject) at GCSE in order to study it at A Level.

Our Sixth Form offers you a very wide range of A Levels (please see below).  Virtually every combination of subject will be considered and timetabled if possible, though on the odd occasion this may lead to some limited clashes between lessons. It should be recognised that you may be Course Counselled against certain combinations if experience shows that these are unsuitable for Higher Education entrance or that they limit your chances of academic success.

When choosing your A Level subjects you should consider:

Students will sit internally assessed examination at the end of the Lower Sixth and mid-way through the Upper Sixth, before sitting external examinations at the end of the Upper Sixth. The points scored in all exams combine to produce an overall grade for the full A level which ranges in grades from A* to E. In the AES International Sixth Form students are expected to continue with 4 A Levels where appropriate into the Upper Sixth to maintain breadth in our student’s studies which we believe is valued by universities and employers alike.  Departments will review student's progress throughout the course and may suggest an AS entry rather than an A Level if this is deemed more appropriate.   

A-Level Subjects

Please select 4 A Levels.  An Introductory Language can be selected as an optional additional subject.  For students studying 4 A Levels, an average point score of 7 over best 8 subjects is required, including a grade 5 or above in English Language or English Literature and Mathematics.

Art and Design
Business Studies
Computer Science
Drama and Theatre Studies
English Language and Literature
English Literature
Physical Education

Optional Introductory Languages

Matriculation requirements 2025

A Level subjects 2025