Subject Intent
In the modern world, the implication of science within environmental, political, social, cultural, technological and economic domains can be profound. The Anglo Science curriculum prepares students to be scientifically knowledgeable citizens and to thrive in future science-related job roles that might not yet exist.
All students progress their knowledge of science concepts through understanding the nature of science in terms of observation, enquiry, evidence, analysis and prediction. They discover the joy of science and what it might be to be a scientist using science skills and exploring career pathways, inclusively preparing for Combined or Triple Science, Sixth Form science, university, science employment and apprenticeships.
Subject Implementation
Our biology, chemistry and physics curricula are designed by specialist heads of subjects, progressively build knowledge and understanding from KS3 to KS4 and KS5 and are structured according to know, apply and extend principles to support success by all students. We value students’ prior learning and encourage students to reflect on their learning and make connections between phases and subjects. Our science department uses varied approaches to teach the scientific endeavour within a framework of consistent medium-term plans, monitoring and teacher development. The key skills of problem solving, investigation, mathematical and literacy skills are balanced throughout the curriculum. Regular low stakes retrieval quizzes strengthen students’ memory of key ideas, while practical activities integrated within theory provide opportunities for inquisitiveness and extension challenge. Beyond the taught curriculum, opportunities promoting curiosity and love of the subject include but are not limited to STEM days, competitions and visits.
Subject Impact
We strive for students to develop a strong knowledge base in science and to develop their problem-solving ability by applying that knowledge to familiar and more unfamiliar, real-world examples. Students will show progress in end of topic tests towards the end of year examination. Students will also show progress in literacy and mathematical skills related to the scientific endeavour through checkpoint tasks roughly every six lessons. Students in year 7 will develop their scientific knowledge of keywords through vocabulary testing at key points.