Mathematic teachers are striving for all students to be successful and enjoy the subject, irrespective of their prior experience. Students will be encouraged to see the link between topics across the curriculum, as well as their application to problems, which can include a real-life emphasis.
Students are being prepared for studying the subject at GCSE, in the Sixth Form and beyond. They will appreciate its relevance to the world of work, in particular, where problem-solving strategies are needed to tackle tasks where the correct approach is not immediately clear.
As well as being knowledge with their application, students will need to adopt a risk-taking approach in order to make an initial attempt. They will need to be reflective of the solution, or progress made towards one, and ensure their final answer is communicated in a mathematically coherent manner.
The programmes of study are designed in order to ensure success for all students. Topic content that has been previously encountered is reviewed before being further built upon. Students will complete a unit test each half-term in order to assess their understanding of the content that has been covered most recently. These tests will also include revision questions on previously covered topics.
The setting structure is employed to guide students to the appropriate level of challenge, given their previous attainment. Mathematics teachers will provide differentiation where appropriate. A degree of flexibility in terms of set assignment exists in order to cater for changes in levels of attainment.
Opportunities are provided beyond the curriculum in order to inspire a curiosity and love of the subject. These include, but are not limited to: UKMT and Olympiad competitions, Whiz-Kid competition, promoting Newnham College and Royal Institution events, and supporting students wishing to study extra Maths qualifications.
- Progress is monitored by students and Mathematics teachers through considering the GCSE grade that content is identified as matching to.
- Outcomes for last year were:
- - GCSE: 86.8% 9-4 and P8 -0.22
- A Level: 52% A*-B and ALPS 4
- IB: HL 100% 5+ and ALPS 4, SL 14% 5+ and ALPS 8, Studies 79% 5+ and ALPS 4 - Progression to Sixth Form where 51 students currently study A level Mathematics and 82 students study one of the four IB Mathematics courses.
- 5 golds secured in UKMT competition out of 240 students that participated, a Year 10 student secured runner-up in Whiz-Kid competition, three Year 13 students studying A Level Further Mathematics, 30 students attended a Maths enrichment lecture at UCL.