Subject Intent
Our curriculum is designed to instil a love of Geography in all our students through developing their curiosity and fascination about the world and its people. We work hard to provide an interesting and varied curriculum that offers intrigue to our students helping to develop their knowledge and understanding of the Earth’s physical and human processes. Throughout their time at the Anglo European School students will be taught a variety of geographical terms applying them across different scales and places. We provide students with the opportunity to investigate their local place developing a real sense of who they are, their heritage and what makes their local place unique and special. We develop the following essential characteristics of geographers: an excellent knowledge of place location and characteristics; a detailed understanding of the ways in which places are interconnected; fluency in geographical vocabulary and questioning skills; geographical skills associated with the interpretation of information including fieldwork; an ability to express informed opinions based on extensive research and understanding about current issues in society; a genuine interest in Geography and a sense of curiosity.
Subject Implementation:
As a department we maintain strong links to the National Curriculum guidelines to ensure that all knowledge and specialist terminology is taught across all year groups. All staff use assessment for learning to ensure that all lessons are relevant and build on the achievements of earlier lessons to encourage the development of sequential learning. A cycle of lessons for each topic area carefully plans for this progression and depth concentrating on the geographical skills suited to the age group. Our lessons incorporate challenging questions for students to apply their learning in a philosophical and open manner, embracing theory of knowledge and its scope in our subject. Resources are tailored to excite and intrigue our students to encourage them to ask questions about the world around them. Fieldwork skills are applied to our lessons to ensure that students develop proficient methods to interpret the world around them. Appropriate themed home learning tasks are integrated into our curriculum across the school offering opportunities for in depth subject knowledge. This includes drawing attention to reading materials, documentaries and topical news events throughout our lessons.
Subject Impact:
Our Geography curriculum is high quality, well devised and planned to demonstrate progression which is reflected through student engagement in lessons. Students are encouraged to research independently to further their own fascination about the topic areas which in turn enables them to make good or better progress with understanding across a variety of scales (local, national, global). Evidence of work shows a range of topics covered, cross curriculum links, fieldwork opportunities and differentiated activities. Rewards are used in our lessons for effort and to encourage progression. Our department reflects on the standards achieved by students against the planned outcomes of our curriculum and adapts resources where appropriate. Moderation of work occurs internally and staff are kept informed through of updates in knowledge and understanding through feedback from department meetings.