Computer Science
Subject Intent
The subject area of Computer Science has an everyday impact on the way we live our lives in an ever-changing modern society. Our curriculum aims to give students a real-world practical experience of the subject area and challenge them to think differently about the digital services they consume, and the software that they program and engage with.
In Computer Science we look to develop our learners as logical problem solvers, able to dissect an issue piece by piece, to better understand the problem and be able to plan and develop appropriate solutions.
Subject Implementation
We have moved to a paperless assessment strategy, making full use of the ShowMyHomework and Showbie platforms to deliver and assess our lesson content. Our lessons are planned and delivered in a logical order that allows for students to develop upon their prior knowledge and demonstrate their progress and understanding. The move to a paperless assessment system means that this progress is more transparent for staff, students, and parents. It also allows students to revisit their learning outside of the classroom, and this can be enormously beneficial for certain elements of our courses.
The resources, software, and pedagogical approaches that we utilise in our delivery of content provides students with opportunities to experience what work in each of our subject areas would be like in the real world should they choose to pursue careers in those sectors.
Subject Impact
The provision and curriculum we provide for our students gives clear pathways for their development and is moderated and measured through rigorous assessments which are transparent and provide clear guidance on how further progress can be made. We set high expectations for our students across all key stages, and we are proud of our examination results which clearly place our performance as a centre above the national average. The practical nature of the subjects we offer help students to develop skillsets that clearly lead to a variety of rewarding future career prospects.