Business & Financial Studies
Subject Intent:
The business studies department strive to convey the dynamism of the subject, and encompass the ever-changing political, economic, social and technological factors surrounding the functionality of businesses. Business courses sit at the heart of the Anglo International Enterprise Academy, with students achieving recognition from the Peter Jones Foundation upon graduation in the Upper Sixth. The department aim to bring theory to life and use contemporary, international issues and case studies to translate theory to context. Students gain a holistic understanding of the core business functions, which include Finance, Marketing, Production and Human Resource Management. In addition, students develop an appreciation of the impact businesses have upon the wider, international economy. We intend to offer insights into the relationships between each function and the ethical dilemmas businesses face in the pursuit of profit.
Subject Implementation:
All courses have been designed to encourage students to question business change, culture, strategy and ethics throughout. Using the AQA GCSE Business specification, Years 10 and 11 students develop a sound understanding of the core business functions, in addition to the role businesses play in developing international economies. In the Sixth Form, our Edexcel A Level Business and IB Standard Business Management courses not only deepen understanding of the core business functions, but also encourage students to read into the subject area and critically challenge real world business dilemmas. Our Edexcel A Level Business students have full access to the Peter Jones Enterprise resources which include flash challenges, mentoring, and make strides towards the National Entrepreneur Award. The department have developed a fully resourced shared drive, with lesson resources, past exam questions and further case studies provided by industry experts. Students are also invited to attend our guest speakers programme, to hear from business leaders discussing topical items from their industry.
Subject Impact:
Students will complete their studies of Business with a complete understanding of how business entities start, operate and develop. Students will be able to confidently explain the purpose of each function and be mindful of external pressures impacting the role of businesses in the modern, globalised, world. Students will also have developed work-ready competencies, such as communication, team work and creativity. The teaching style within the department offers frequent opportunities for debate and presentations. Business ethics is referred to throughout the course, prompting students to be mindful of their personal consumption and interaction with business organisations.